Bungie departs from Activision

After a rough year from launching Destiny 2, sales weren’t meeting Activision’s expectations. Pressure from the giant was taking its toll on the former Halo developer. Under a 10-year contract for 4 games to be developed for the publisher. Deadlines were what pushed Bungie to aim for targets instead of quality of the content. That was apparent when they launched Destiny back in the 2014 when it had issues in content and bugs. Despite issues, it sold well and Activision pushed for micro transactions in the sequel. Not only that, it also caused sublime content to be published instead of taking further time to be polished. Now that Bungie managed to leave Activision and take the Destiny IP with them. Many developers in the industry have congratulated Bungie from leaving the iron grips of Activision. It is their second time leaving from a major publisher, their first was Microsoft. Hopefully with this second breath of freedom, Bungie finds itself in a ability to run independently.


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