Shenmue 3 Is Switching Over To The Epic Games Store

Deep Silver is creating further controversy with the latest game to become an Epic Games Store exclusive. The long-awaited sequel to Shenmue 2 hit Kickstarter back in 2015. With it successfully reaching its goal and other stretch goals too. Recently, YS Net entered a publishing deal with Deep Silver and things look golden.

However, after a publishing decision by Deep Silver regarding another game, Metro Exodus. To make that game exclusively available on the Epic Games Store which created a lot of controversy. First, being the pre-orders that were originally on Steam for Metro Exodus that sparked fear in requiring them to re-purchase on the Epic Games Store. Luckily, Deep Silver and Steam honored those pre-orders and allowed them to play using that platform. All other orders will have to go through Epic Games Store for those that want to play until the year-long deal is done.

With that detail being brought out again, Deep Silver is deciding that the best move would be Shenmue 3 joining the exclusive platform for the Epic Games Store. Now pre-orders and backers from the original Kickstarter are having their concerns in receiving proper information regarding their orders. As those were originally meant for the popular Steam store. Apparently, Deep Silver is not confirming or denying offering refunds to those orders. Only time will tell if Deep Silver corrects their wrongs and decides to clarify this issue. Having done the same to Metro Exodus on those pre-orders and remaining on Steam. We shall keep you update!

Source: PCGamer


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