Attack On Titan ‘A Sound Argument’ Review

Released this week, episode 69 of Attack on Titan premiered titled ‘A Sound Argument’. We return to Paradis and Eren is imprisoned for his actions that resulted in the pre-emptive attack on Marley. He appears to further devolve from the Eren we knew from previous seasons. Next, we receive further backstory during the four years with Zeke having communicated with the nation of Hizuru. Hizuru officials visit Paradis, offering help and information from Zeke in exchange of potentially obtaining Paradis’ resources. The residents of Paradis’ perception of the world is ever evolving. Knowing that they are hated and could potentially be invaded for their ancestors’ past actions. The episode feels like a filler as it provides further backstory during the four-year time gap. ‘A Sound Argument’ is a good episode to watch for fans to get their filling on the backstory as more is coming.

It earns a 3 out of 5.


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