The Lost Pirate Kingdom Review

Released today, the docutainment series titled ‘The Lost Pirate Kingdom.’ It follows the history behind pirates of the Caribbean. The Netflix series has historians and others retelling stories and information of the period. As well as reenactors through a mix use of practical and CGI effects.

First episode, ‘Hoist the Black Flag’ covers the consequences of the Spanish succession war and introduces us to two prominent privateer turned pirates. Benjamin Hornigold and Henry Jennings have been abandoned by the Crown (British Empire) and no longer profiting. Hornigold settles his party upon Nassau as their new home. Jennings is in the upper class of Jamaican society. We are also introduced to Charles Vane, Edward Thatch and Samuel Bellamy as prominence begins to develop. Finding upon themselves to take advantage of the political and economical situations of the area. The Spanish Garda Costa become targeted and attacked. However, the Spanish lose their Treasure Fleet sparking a frenzy. A clear line is drawn between Hornigold and Jennings by episode’s end.

Second episode, ‘The Pirate Republic’ sometime later returns to Hornigold as Thatch becomes his second-in-command. Anne Bonny arrives to Nassau alongside her man at the time, seeking to strike rich. Back at Jamaica, Governor Hamilton is furious at the actions of Jennings who attacked the Spanish camp protecting the surviving loot. The relationship is completely shattered when Jennings leaves Hamilton to fend for himself from the Spanish and the Crown. Bellamy takes up Paulgrave Williams’ offer to form a crew in inspiration of Hornigold’s exploits. Bellamy and Williams cross paths with Jennings as they strike a decoy French merchant ship. Jennings later learns that Hornigold beat him at the arrival of the real ship carrying the loot. As well as betrayal of Bellamy’s crew who took the loot from his own ship. Finally, the Crown calls for the arrest of Governor Hamilton and Jennings, with the latter seeking humiliated refuge at Nassau.

Third episode, ‘The Price of Loyalty’ has Hornigold removed as captain with Bellamy taking over. However, loyal Hatch and his trusted partner Black Caesar continue to be on Hornigold’s side despite a one-third vote. Bellamy pushes the Flying gang towards riches with several successes after another. With his name becoming a prime target on the newspaper and back home in England. The pirates in the area turn towards slave ships, crippling the economy and power of the British Empire. Even using them as Bellamy learns that England wants his head, as some other pirates are fatally killed in their own raids. Bellamy strikes gold, literally when taking over a slave ship after using psychological warfare. Hilariously, naked African freed men scared the slave ship captain into surrendering. Despite the huge victory and new arsenal, England brings in a pirate hunter Captain Woodes Rogers.

Fourth episode, ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ starts with Captain Rogers and Sir Humphrey Morice speak on a solution to the pirate menace. We jump back to the seas where the exploits of Black Sam Bellamy is growing after several victories. Unfortunately, a huge storm causes his flagship to become wrecked with most of the crew dead. Only some managed to live but were prosecuted and hanged, few were sent in to slavery. The news caused Hornigold and Hatch to mourn, with the latter desiring revenge. Hatch becomes determined to be bigger and better than Bellamy was to avenge him. Sometime later, a crew member of his is wounded and requests a doctor from one of his captives and tells the doctor meet him after. Learning that Hatch has syphilis, which starts to drive him mad overtime. At the end of the episode, the pirate issue affects England so much that Morice wants Rogers to give him answers. One of which is to pardon the pirates by using greed.

Fifth episode, ‘Deal or No Deal’ begins with Jennings and Hornigold taking the pardon. Vane, Calico Jack, and others refuse to take the pardon. A small fleet of British ships arrive led by Captain Pearse and receives a warm welcome from Hornigold. The two wish for a smooth transition back to a normal life and without bloodshed. However, things get dashed as Vane is taken prisoner with an open disdain of the pardon. Hornigold tries to mediate the situation by having Vane released, Williams encourages him to fight another day. Unfortunately later things turn bad when things look prospective. Vane and his crew leave Nassau prompting Pearse to leave for New York out of fear. Hornigold goes into hiding afterwards allowing Vane’s return and to take over Nassau. Despite the continued pirate life, an armada arrives with Captain Rogers leading it.

Sixth episode, ‘Dead or Alive’ has Vane escape Nassau using a fire ship to scatter the British armada. He later finds Blackbeard hiding in Ocracoke suffering with syphilis. Who refuses to help Vane in renewing the piracy in the area. Back in Nassau, Rogers sternly introduces himself with Hornigold offering his services. Rogers orders Hornigold to redeem himself by hunting down Vane. Over in Virginia, Governor Spotswood requests Captain Maynard to hunt down Blackbeard to prevent an economic collapse. Returning to Vane, he becomes more reckless and shows cowardice that causes him to lose confidence in his crew. Giving Calico Jack the position of captain, who then maroons Vane on an island. Maynard tracks down Blackbeard but runs aground in Ocracoke, with a final stand erupting between the two. Blackbeard gets beheaded by Maynard and Black Caesar desperately tries to blow up the ship. Only to get killed and the plan gets foiled. The series ends with an epilogue of all of the prominent pirates.

The Lost Pirate Kingdom is a docutainment series, once again to emphasize on that. If you’re interested in learning about the golden age of pirates of the Caribbean and not the Disney version of franchise. You’re in the luck, quite informative. However, the show’s budget is quite low and it shows. The information learned is quite gratifying to be able to tolerate six episodes with each one running in the 40-minute mark.

It earns a 2 out of 5.


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