Attack on Titan ‘Above and Below’ Review

Released this week, episode 75 of Attack on Titan premiered titled ‘Above and Below’. Starting off with Zeke appearing to die off from the explosion caused by the thunderspear that was lodged in his torso. Closing his eyes as he starts to blackout, we see a girl vividly appear. Jumping back to Shingashina, the Scouts and other military who have surrendered are imprisoned; with Pyxis appearing at a dinner table alongside Yelena. Underground, Armin, Mikasa, Jean and Conny are jailed as they discuss the incident where Eren appeared in front of the two resulting in a fight. Jean pointing out that Eren has a secret motive to put Armin and Mikasa against him. Maybe things aren’t what they appear to be. Soon after, Yelena and Onyankopon appear detailing their belief of Zeke and Eren who will start their ‘Eradication Plan.’ Resulting in Subjects of Ymir to slowly die off in hopes ending the titan scourge. Above, Eren pays a visit to Gabi who’s imprisoned and asked to help save Falco. Who ingested Zeke’s spinal fluid when wine fell into his mouth when Nicolo struck him. Pieck appears in a scout uniform and dispatches Eren’s guard. Holding him at gunpoint, tensions rise but soon it appears that Pieck wants to join his cause. Pieck offers to sold out her Marleyean comrades by drawing Eren out on the rooftop. The two distrust each other during the ordeal but hoping that either story will check out. Unfortunately, Porco’s Jaw Titan blows up the rooftop in an attempt to swallow Eren. Managing to avoid the rest of his body from being eaten and quickly transforms. Gabi who believed that Pieck’s speech with her having potentially switched sides against Marley. Soon begins to glow in hope as several Marleyean airships arrive. Inside, Reiner and Colt commanded by Magath. Ready to bring revenge to Shingashina. This episode is the season finale as the second part returns Winter 2022. ‘Above and Below’ is a great cliffhanger to leave fans excited for a final showdown between Marley and Paradis. It also leaves us wondering who is the little girl that Zeke saw as he slowly faded off. Speaking of which, Levi wasn’t seen and hopefully survived the explosion.

It earns a 4 out of 5.


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