Full Dive: This Ultimate Next-Gen Full Dive RPG Is Even Sh*ttier Than Real Life ‘Chance of Survival 0.1%’ Review

Released this week, episode 7 of Full Dive… premiered titled ‘Chance of Survival 0.1%.’ We start the episode with the City of Ted under attack and learn the goblins have struck. Hiro and Reona head to the local blacksmith, who refuses to remove the rust from Hiro’s sword. Hiro manually does it himself as the two hear screams outside of people getting attacked by the goblins. Reona tells him that his chances of directly fighting a goblin is quite low. As well as the consequences of getting killed in the game, the destruction of his console. She mentions her store’s price on the console is above market price but she’s willing to give him a discount. Still above market price. Hiro decides to save the game at the moment but curiosity gets the best of him as he wants to see a goblin. Hideous, as the goblin approaches an abandoned girl on the street until city guards arrive to protect her. The goblin easily dispatches the guards but Hiro uses Reona to distract it for a moment to grab the girl. A second goblin appears and all hopes gone, he tells the girl to run as he tries to distract the two goblins. One ignores Hiro and chases after the girl but Hiro manages to activate a special power to speed run past it. Grabbing the girl with Tesla appearing to quickly kill the two goblins. Hiro decides to accept Tesla’s offer to join as a mercenary. However, we learn near the end by Kamui that’s a really crappy decision. ‘Chance of Survival 0.1%’ is a hilarious episode as we continue Hiro’s journey in this sh*tty full dive RPG. Continuing to root for him as he tries to push himself to beat the game.

It earns a 3 out of 5.


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