Dynamo Dream ‘Salad Mug’ Review

Released this week, episode 1 of Dynamo Dream premiered titled ‘Salad Mug.’ The sci-fi comedy show by Ian Hubert follows Josephine Simon or Jo living in a dystopian future. She has a partner who’s off-planet but isn’t able to contact him. We learn that she makes her income by selling salad mugs. Later, she is called to see Floorhead by robot TERD and learn that she saved Mz. Sylvan from being killed. A dear friend to Floorhead as Jo distracted the assassin with a salad mug. Floorhead praises Josephine for her heroism and gives her a chance to have whatever she wants. Only wanting to make a phone call to her partner, using a missile as the communicator when it arrives to the planet. Jo’s partner, Jackie claims that he’s heading home that night and Jo is excited to see him. On her way to meet him at the airport, she starts to become disoriented on the train. Reality around her appears to be shattering. ‘Salad Mug’ is an enjoyable start to Dynamo Dream with its sci-fi, comedy and vibrancy.

It earns a 4 out of 5.


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