Full Dive: This Ultimate Next-Gen Full Dive RPG Is Even Sh*ttier Than Real Life ‘Enlistment and Baptism’ Review

Released this week, episode 8 of Full Dive premiered titled ‘Enlistment and Baptism.’ Continuing from the previous episode where Hiro learns the chances of survival from his actions. Kamui explains from his walkthrough that Hiro’s chances could increase ever so slightly if Hiro learned the best friend promise. Which he did and Kamui informs Hiro that he’ll have to endure five days of training until he progresses further and learns a trick from Kamui. Despite Hiro’s assumption that Tesla would be the one to train him, it’s Amos. We also see the complete realism that KQ has that leads to Hiro being completely horrible at fighting. He does however, have some allies at the training camp that root for him. Even if that support whimpers away at the embarrassment of Hiro’s performance. Cathy, for example appears to be supportive of him and trains him on how to handle a sword. Unfortunately by episode’s end, his opponent is Granada who resembles one of his real-life bullies easily defeats him. Accepting the sh*tty circumstances of his life in either reality. ‘Enlistment and Baptism’ continues the story and journey as Hiro strives to become a hero in Kiwame Quest.

It earns a 3 out of 5.


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