Full Dive: This Ultimate Next-Gen Full Dive RPG Is Even Sh*ttier Than Real Life ‘A Fairy’s Power’ Review

Released this week, episode 9 of Full Dive premiered titled ‘A Fairy’s Power.’ Nearing the final days of Hiro’s training, his constant bullying from his peers is unrelenting. On the suggestion of Reona and Cathy, he goes through counseling services and spiritualism to see any sign of help. None of those do anything. However, mysterious events occur in which Granada’s items disappear and reappear in the most disgusting places. In addition, the nurse at the training grounds has lost her panties that is then found at Granada’s backpack. He ends up being scold by his peers and quits the Guard. Later, Tesla appears in which informs Amos and the rest that he received letters that puts Amos in a bad light. Tesla ends up relieving Amos from being an instructor and leaves. Cathy who avoided punishment earlier from the bullies asks for Hiro’s forgiveness as well as the other trainees. At night, Reona reveals that she was responsible for what happened despite Hiro’s objections. Leaving on a cliffhanger, Reona begins to tell Hiro the reason why she wants someone to complete KQ and tag along with them. ‘A Fairy’s Power’ is a fun episode and a sense of relief that maybe Reona has a positive interest in Hiro. Eliminating the bullies in his life in KQ and leaving us hanging on the reveal. Will next episode allow us to learn?

It earns a 3 out of 5.


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