Full Dive ‘City Of Dead Ends’ Review

Released this week, episode 11 of Full Dive premiered titled ‘City of Dead Ends.’ Continuing off as Hiro is about to get attacked by a goblin while in the crapper. He is saved by Mizarisa and tries to take the opportunity to toy with him. However, Alicia also shows up and scolds them. On Hiro’s mind, in order to leave the city of Ted and continue on his journey. He believes that Tesla needs to survive so he heads over to his position. Tesla faces off with the goblin’s tribal leader who’s one-eyed. The City Guards bring out imprison goblins in an attempt to mentally weaken the powerful One-Eyed Goblin. While this happens, Hiro recalls from Kamui’s to keep an open eye to everything. He realizes the noises the imprisoned goblins are making is the same he heard throughout previous episodes we’ve seen. Tesla has this planned all along and as Hiro realizes this. He kills the One-Eyed Goblin and Queen Govern appears to reveal their relationship together. Hiro, Mizarsia and Alicia are now alone in the arena as they’re set to face off with Tesla who needs to keep the revelation a secret. ‘City of Dead Ends’ is a great episode with a twist that keeps us off our seats. Will Hiro and the gang manage to beat Tesla or something outrageous occurs to save them?

It earns a 4 out of 5.


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