My Hero Academia ‘Off To Endeavor’s Agency!’ Review

Released this week, episode 102 of My Hero Academia premiered titled ‘Off to Endeavor’s Agency!’ We begin with Midoriya visiting his mother bringing various news from school. The two connect intimiately with Inko apologizing and assuring that she’s proud of his progress at U.A. Afterwards, New Year’s day continues and Midoriya is off to Endeavor’s agency to begin his work studies. Meeting up with Todoroki and Bakugo, they are greeted by Endeavor and quick exchanges between the four of them. Out in the distance, a villain attacks and is quickly intercepted by Endeavor before more damage could be done. Hawks appears and subtly gives off as much as he can to Endeavor about his undercover assignment’s findings. Giving him a book of the Meta Liberation War by Destro which contains highlighted pieces that should give Endeavor hints. Throughout the episode we see parts of this Meta Liberation Army; what Hawks has been doing to prove his loyalty as a double agent for both heroes and villains. ‘Off to Endeavor’s Agency!’ is filled with plenty of things easy to miss and requires a rewatch! Things are being set in motion with the heroes having four months to prepare for something dangerous.

It earns a 4 out of 5.


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