Star Wars: The Bad Batch ‘Rescue On Ryloth’ Review

Released this week, episode 12 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch premiered titled ‘Rescue on Ryloth.’ Continuing from the previous episode resulting in the capture of the Syndullas as well as Gobi Glie. The young Hera Syndulla spies from afar as Admiral Rampart addresses on the condition of Senator Taa and the false accusation on the assassination attempt on the senator. She mentions to Chopper that they’ll need to contact someone for help. Back on the Marauder, Tech accepts a comms message that is none other than Hera and Omega admits giving her their codes. After some persuasion, Hunter has the Marauder head back to Ryloth to assess the potential mission. Upon arrival, Hera explains the situation and Hunter tells her that the mission is a big ‘maybe’ due to the large amount of Imperial forces. The team devises a plan to lure most of the Imperial forces to a refinery while Hunter and Echo rescue the captured Syndullas and Glie. Chopper attempts to override the automated towers at the refinery to allow Tech and Wrecker to attack, but fails. Hera and Omega commandeer one of the shuttles at the refinery and quickly destroy the control system. Tech and Wrecker then go on a rampage to cause as much chaos to give the Imperials a need to reinforce the refinery. Back to Hunter and Echo, the two acquire the Syndullas and Glie but outside Crosshair convinces his squad to stay put knowing that the refinery attack is a distraction. Crosshair holds his forces at the only exit that Hunter and company would go through. Back inside Captain Howzer, who’s being feeling conflicted morally decides to save the group by informing them on the ambush and pleads to his squad to lower their weapons. Only to get himself and some of his sympathizers arrested. Admiral Rampart authorizes Crosshair’s request to hunt the Bad Batch. In the outskirts, the Syndullas leave Ryloth in hopes of fighting back to liberate their planet from Imperial forces. ‘Rescue on Ryloth’ concludes this short arc but we continue to see the outreaching changes the Empire creates.

It earns a 3 out of 5.


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