Star Wars: The Bad Batch ‘Infested’ Review

Released this week, episode 13 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch premiered titled ‘Infested.’ We start off the group returning from a mission but learn that Cid’s parlor has been overtaken by Roland Durand. The group decides to leave and end up finding Cid waiting for them at their shuttle. She explains the situation and her plan to take back her parlor. They head into the abandoned mines that are infested by insects and mustn’t be triggered by noise. The group manages to sneak into a manhole that leads into Cid’s former office and steal boxes of spice that Durand is planning on giving to the Pyke. Cid has her regulars, Ketch and Bolo distract Durand by kidnapping his pet named Ruby. While Durand sends some of his henchmen after them, he heads back into the office and finds the spice gone. Sending his men after the Bad Batch and Cid into the tunnels. Which triggers the Irlings to attack everyone causing the spice to fall into the pit. Our heroes manage to escape from the swarm and head back to Cid’s parlor. The Pykes are displeased with Durand coming empty-handed in their negotiation that turned sour. Cid is forced by the Pykes to retrieve the spice to avoid having issues between them two. Omega stays behind as a hostage while they retrieve the spice. Upon ending their tensions, the Pykes turn their attentions to Durand and despite being cautioned by Cid on his connections to his mother’s crime group. They slice one of his horns and things are now calm as everyone leaves to their respective places. ‘Infested’ is a fun episode to watch that brings another event to the Bad Batch to do. More screen time for Cid, despite being a broker and a tough exterior is shown to be just any being, this case being a Trandoshan (Star Wars alien).

It earns a 3 out of 5.


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