Star Wars: The Bad Batch ‘War-Mantle’ Review

Released this week, episode 14 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch premiered titled ‘War-Mantle.’ Beginning with a clone trooper being chased by others before being captured. Puts out a beacon as we’ll soon find the reasoning. In hyperspace, the Bad Batch are contacted by Rex and quickly explains the situation for a rescue on the unknown clone trooper. They head to Daro, a planet that Tech upon landing states isn’t ripe with activity so it should be easy going. Hunter finds evidence of the clone trooper’s movements and capture but was a while ago to be able to rescue him. However, the group notices something weird about the area and have Wrecker and Omega wait back on the Marauder. Hunter, Tech and Echo climb up the mountain to see the weird abnormality which turns out to be a large Imperial base inside. Despite knowing the heavy presence, they stealthily find the clone trooper CC-5576 which turns out to be Captain Gregor (appeared in previous Clone Wars and Rebels episodes). Unfortunately, escaping the same way they arrived in triggers the security alarm. Noting that a lot of new protocols have changed the game. New troopers designated as TK, volunteer human conscripts from across the galaxy. The four clones are intercepted by the whole base as they fight through the various corridors. They easily dispatch the TK troopers but struggle a bit with their trainers who are Clone Commandos. The group attempts an escape from an exhaust port on the side of the mountain as they call the Marauder in. However, swarms upon swarms of TK troopers, Clone Commandos and V-Wing fighters cause the process to struggle. Hunter falls down the side of the mountain when he misses the jump and is captured by Imperials. The remaining Bad Batch and Gregor are forced to retreat. Crosshair appears before Hunter at his cell. ‘War-Mantle’ is an action-intense episode as it gives us the exposition and dives right in. With only two more episodes remaining in the season, will the Bad Batch and Gregor rescue Hunter? Various more questions arise.

It earns a 4 out of 5.


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