My Hero Academia ‘Sad Man’s Parade’ Review

Released this week, episode 110 of My Hero Academia premiered titled ‘Sad Man’s Parade.’ We return to the moment where several clones of Twice have apprehended the original Twice and are attempting to slowly kill an unconscious Toga. Back to the tower, Skeptic explains the psychological warfare being inflicted on Twice as he and Re-Destro are aware of his background. We experience a flashback of Twice’s origins, living a normal but troubled life. He ends up losing a job, without any family, he ends up being homeless and alone. To push through his struggles, he uses his quirk to make a clone of himself. Explaining that the clone was a person that truly understood him. Adding more clones overtime, he started committing crimes and was unstoppable. Until an uneventful night that caused him severe psychological trauma, no longer knowing who’s the real him. All of his clones slaughtered each other with the real one, luckily not being killed. Continuing in the flashback, Twice meets Giran who suggests him to join the League of Villains as they will be accepting of him. Back to the present, Twice’s arms are broken and realizing that his clones die after a simple injury. Founds out that he’s real and comes back to control in his head. Using his evolved quirk to produce Sad Man’s Parade, where an infinite amount of clones start splurging out of him and other clones. They quickly overwhelm the Meta Liberation Army in the area. The rest of the League members elsewhere are surprised of his improvement but welcome it. They’re reinforced by the clones and continue to push to the tower holding Giran hostage. Several clones of Twice and League members manage to enter the top floor on the tower. However, they’re killed by Re-Destro who simply smites them. During the fight, he gets distracted by a Shigaraki clone which allows the real one on the ground floor to start to decay the tower. ‘Sad Man’s Parade’ continues the excellent My Villain Academia arc. Continually action-packed and brings us sympathy to both sides of this battle. Learning that our protagonist list of villains are having their quirks evolve to be more powerful. Will they save Toga and Giran as well as defeat this hulk of a villain Re-Destro? Will Gigantomachia make such a excellent appearance now that he’s awake?

It earns a 4 out of 5.


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