My Hero Academia ‘The High, Deep Blue Sky’ Review

Released this week, episode 113 of My Hero Academia premiered titled ‘The High, Deep Blue Sky.’ Following up on the previous episode, the establishment of the Paranormal Liberation Front sends shockwaves to Hawks who is present in the audience. We’re shown flashbacks throughout the season that led up to this point, Hawks presenting to Dabi the body of Best Jeanist in order to gain his trust. Hawks accounts the grave danger that Japan will face due to the mass casualties the League of Villains inflicted before gaining control of the Meta Liberation Army. Whose members are still dedicated to the cause under the new name and massive resources the group possesses. Hawks mentions that they’re someone backing the group, a traitor perhaps and he needs to find the source. Elsewhere, Shigaraki undergoes Doctor Ujiko’s procedure to become unstoppable and no longer underestimate the heroes. Back at UA High School, the students of Class 1-A show off their new and improved skills gained from their work studies. We also that poor Eri’s horn is acting up and later learn that Aizawa will begin training her. Later, All Might, Midoriya and Bakugo are having a conversation regarding One for All. The evidence All Might presents of previous users that they’ve all died young in a desperate attempt to increase its power and survivability against All for One. All Might gives Midoriya homework on learning his master’s quirk of Float which Bakugo mocks of knowing to do that already. The two teen rivals argue between themselves as All Might looks on proudly. Back to Class 1-A, the group have a hot pot session and engorge themselves in deliciousness. Finally, Jaku General Hospital appears to be the hospital Hawks and rest of the heroes are looking for as Doctor Ujiko appears to be employed their and conducting his enhancements on Shigaraki there. Post-credits scene, Class 1-A students have been scheduled for a massive build-up of heroes near the hospital as tensions rise. ‘The High, Deep Blue Sky’ was a huge wrap-up episode to end the season. Izuku Midoriya gaining his new ability and now destined to learn a new one, of course more about One for All too. Class 1-A continuing to improve as a class and individually, placing the poor heroes onto war by episodes end. With war against the Paranormal Liberation Front set to happen immediately as the upcoming season 6 starts next year. However, caping the season’s loose-ends made the episode appear all over the place with the aim of building anticipation for the upcoming season.

It earns a 3 out of 5.


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