The Expanse ‘Redoubt’ Review

Released this week, episode 4 (60th) of The Expanse’s season 6 premiered titled ‘Redoubt.’ We return to Laconia and find the young girl Cara’s brother named Xan having passed from the accident that occurred in the previous episode. She has a conversation with Admiral Duarte in an opportunity to explain about sacrifice that both of them had in their lives, which Duarte says will be worthwhile in the end. Back on our solar system, we find Ceres Station in recovery mode with loyal Free Navy belters remaining in defiance despite the combined UN-Martian’s efforts in good grace. Monica is found to have survived in the attack, demonstrating her knowledge about everyone she encounters and provides a somber explanation behind each person’s story before their deaths. Giving Secretary General Avasarala an opportunity on trying to spin a story to gain Belter’s sympathy in what the Free Navy has done. Elsewhere, we find the Rocinante en route to Ceres Station as Naomi and James Holden having a conversation. Clarissa/Peaches having found the truth behind the missile dud and presented the evidence to Amos, who later confronted Holden about it. Back to the conversation between Naomi and Holden, she becomes frustrated that he decided to disarm the missile as a way to avoid feeling guilt-tripped about killing her son on the Pilla. On another part of the ship afterwards, Bobbie is unaware about the truth behind it as Peaches decides to keep Bobbie oblivious. Peaches has a conversation with Holden, explaining the reason why she decided to stop attempting to kill Holden. On the Behemoth when chaos was ongoing, Holden plead for everyone to find another solution that doesn’t resort to violence and when Peaches overheard it caused her to rethink her actions. The episode then returns to the Pilla as Filip Inaros has been reassigned to maintenance and works under a Belter who’s brother is on Ceres Station and status is unknown from the attack. Marco is growing agitated with the result of the battle and orders two random senior officers to be flushed out into space. Which causes Rosenfeld to be distraught to such an aggressive decision, having plead earlier to him and later Filip to avoid losing competent people. However, the task is done and Marco despite having requested the captain of the ship affected to be flushed out too if they complained about the order, congratulates Rosenfeld’s decision to defy that part of the order and continuing to stand up for herself. They both drink to their future victories and end-goals. Unfortunately, things turn sour after Drummer conducted a covert operation on the missing Ceres Station supplies. She announces on the wide-band comms that Marco is responsible for the continued suffering of Belters, showing the missing supplies now under her possession, and threatening him and his forces. Absolute badass. ‘Redoubt’ is a great episode that felt slow-burn in a good way. Continuing the story for all and finally having action for Drummer’s team on the supply ship. Unfortunate for Joseph who lost his arm in trying to save Drummer from the falling box. Hopefully his sacrifice isn’t in vain as Duarte indirectly said earlier in the episode.

It earns a 3 out of 5.


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