The Book Of Boba Fett ‘The Tribes Of Tatooine’ Review

Released this week, episode 2 of The Book of Boba Fett premiered titled ‘The Tribes Of Tatooine.’ We start off with finding out the assassin’s employer from the previous episode. After a short fright to make him talk, it turns out to be the Mayor of Mos Espa. Boba, Fennec and bodyguards pay a visit to the Mayor, an Ithorian who tells him in a seemingly threatening way to look at the Sanctuary. The owner, Garsa Fwip is surprised to see Boba still alive and tells him the truth behind the assassination attempt. Jabba the Hutt’s Twin cousins are claiming his former throne, having sent assassin’s to take care of him. Soon after, the Twins make their appearance and tell Boba to give up his claim. Even threatening him with meeting his fate from a Wookie named Black Krrsantan but is unrelented from the threats. The Twins decide to leave and to avoid any bloodshed, warning Boba to watch his back. Back in the bacta tub, Boba returns to his memories on the Tatooine deserts. Having earn the respect of his fellow Tuskens, he undergoes training with a staff. Afterward, the Tusken camp is attacked by a speeding hover train that passes nearby and indiscriminately kills several Tuskens. An enraged Boba requests the Tusken elder that he’ll take care of the attackers by paying visit at a nearby pub. He takes out the thugs with ease and takes their speeder bikes for the Tuskens to use in an upcoming ambush. Boba trains the Tuskens on how to use the speederbikes and how to get on the train at high speed. The moment arrives, Boba and the Tuskens enact the mission. Things get tense as the group fight their way to the train conductor, turns out to be a droid that quickly flees. Leaving Boba to figure out to quickly stop the train. The Tusken’s are victorious, Boba questions the train’s inhabitants which turns out to be Pykes hauling spice across the deserts of Tatooine. Claiming the excuse of defending their cargo from supposed Tusken Raiders, who were actually living peacefully and only defended themselves when they were attacked. Boba tells them that the Tuskens will allow them to live, demanding the Pykes march their selves back on foot and have their bosses be aware of the Tuskens will be providing protection for a price. Later, Boba undergoes a spiritual tribal ceremony as he becomes accepted by the tribe. Boba and the tribe celebrate the occasion by dancing around the fire. ‘The Tribes Of Tatooine’ is a great episode that continues exploring Boba’s past and present. Beginning with The Mandalorian and now The Book of Boba Fett, featuring the Tuskens as a plot point. The two shows continue to demonstrate their culture and way of living. Removing the stain of savagery that had previously been shown in the films. However, back to Boba Fett as the present plot is of him proving his worth as the new Daimyo against the threat of the Twin Hutts. Past and present are soon to interject at some point during the series but it provides a steady flow of expanding lore for Boba Fett.

It earns a 4 out of 5.


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