The Expanse ‘Why We Fight’ Review

Released this week, episode 5 (61th) of The Expanse premiered titled ‘Why We Fight.’ We return to Laconia, Cara having transported her dead brother Xan to be helped by the mysterious alien dog. After night passes, Cara finds her brother Xan alive but different with protomolecules within him. Back to our solar system, the MCRN strike team attempts to attack Medina Station but are quickly killed by the Free Navy’s newest weapon. Experimental railguns attached to the moon near the station which proves to be devastatingly fast. The combined coalition of UN and MCRN military leaders brief Secretary General Avasarala, suggesting her several solutions to quickly take out Inaros’ forces. She decides to think it through and to avoid any further pointless sacrifices. Back on the Rocinante, Nagata and Holden are informed by a scientist who studied the information that she was provided of the ships going through the rings creating a weird anomaly. Holden concludes that the entities within the rings are growing in anger, which may lead to another threat to all life. Nagata and Holden decide to share the information with Avasarala, believing potential threat’s more important than the war. Afterward, the attempted strike report is sent to Marco Inaros and loyalists on his ship, calling for celebration. Filip Inaros is informed that his foreman, Tadeo is in the brig for having tried to contact his missing brother on Ceres. Filip uses his privilege to find out that he had died in the explosion, Tadeo having been promised the explosions his team planted would only affect the Inners. Elsewhere, Camina Drummer returns to Ceres with the supplies that the Free Navy stripped. Avasarala makes her case to Drummer to have an alliance to fight against the Free Navy. Drummer at first remembers Avasarala’s ruthless treatment of Belters and would rather die, however. Nagata is sent by Holden, she manages to convince Drummer to swallow her dignity and accept the opportunity to make an alliance. ‘Why We Fight’ is the fifth episode in this six-part season, continuing to build up for the finale in what may becoming an intense all-out fight. Between the coalition and Marco Inaro’s Free Navy, who has the upper hand in numbers as well as their new experimental railguns.

It earns a 3 out of 5.


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