The Book Of Boba Fett ‘The Streets Of Mos Espa’ Review

Released this week, episode 3 of The Book of Boba Fett premiered title ‘The Streets of Mos Espa.’ The episode starts off with a rundown of the late Bib Fortuna’s grasp of power that was held by splitting Mos Espa for three separate gangs. A guest arrives at Boba’s Palace, explaining that Boba is seen weak and non-threatening while pleading for his assistance with a problem. A gang of violent but colorful youths who have modified themselves with droid parts have been stealing his supply of water. Boba and Fennec arrive to tell the gang off but the situation soon turns into a recruitment of the group as well as paying the disgruntled business owner a fair price of the stolen water. Later, Boba undergoes a bacta session as he returns to the deserts of Tatooine. He departs the Tusken camp to gain an audience with the Pykes, he is told by the high-ranking member that another group is being paid protection money. Boba tells the Pyke member that group will soon be dealt with. Unfortunately, Boba returns to a devastated Tusken camp that left no one alive, a mark belonging to the biker group seen previously claims responsibility. Boba gives the deceased Tuskens their proper burial and departs. The dream and bacta session is soon interuptted by the appearance of the Black Krrsantan outside the tub. Pulling Boba out and the two fight brutally. The newly recruited youth members aid Boba who nearly passed out from a Wookiee bear hug. The Black Krrsantan is led into the rancor pit after all of Boba’s henchman vigorously fought him. Soon after, the Twin Hutts arrive to apologize to Boba for the assassination attempt. They explain that the Mayor of Mos Espa had lied to both of the Hutts and Boba. Departing and leaving Boba with a gifted young rancor and its handler. Which Boba learns more of the species and desires to ride it in the near future. Afterwards, Boba, Fennec and the young recruits pay a visit to an absent Mayor Mok Shiaz. Who’s majordomo attempts to flee when avoiding Boba and company. The somewhat silly chase throughout Mos Espa ends in the apprehension of the majordomo. Who explains that the mayor is working with the Pykes, and whose forces are slowly arriving to Mos Espa. Boba tells Fennec that as the Pykes, they should also prepare for the coming war. ‘The Streets of Mos Espa’ is an interesting episode because it felt somewhat soft in its plot compared to prior episodes. With the introduction of the colorful young recruits and their dazzling speeder bikes. However, the fight involving the Black Krrsantan against Boba’s entire group was a threat that kept us on edge. Wishing that Boba attempted to recruit him afterwards as the Hutts decided to offer him as a tribute. By episode’s end, the arrival of the first wave of Pykes and implication that more are set to arrive. Will Boba Fett be able to gain more numbers to his side for example, the mention of the gangs that had power in Mos Espa under Bib Fortuna be brought in under his control?

It earns a 3 out of 5.


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