The Expanse ‘Babylon’s Ashes’ Review

Released this week, episode 6 of the sixth season of The Expanse premiered titled ‘Babylon’s Ashes.’ We start off back on Laconia, Cara returns to her parents who are worried sick about her. She explains to them about reviving Xan from the strange dogs as her bewildered parents are horrified at the sight of the revived Xan. After locking Xan in a cabinet and wanting to call in soldiers, Cara tricks her parents and frees Xan as the two run off into the forest. Back on our solar system, the combined fleet leaders brief on the upcoming mission with Holden present. He gives them an alternative plan to deal with the railgun fortress next to Medina Station, involving a distraction and drop troops. Later, both sides of the coming battle settle with their own thoughts and resolve in the increasing uneasiness. Marco Inaros teases that Laconia might send him surprises to use against his enemies. While the Rocinante have somewhat of a last supper involving the whole crew. The battle begins with the United Nations battle group engaging Marcos’ group leaving Drummer and her group disappointed that the Inners will achieve victory without them. However, once Drummers group engages on her group that focuses on a large freighter. Things turn chaotic as the United Nations battle group reports the Pella wasn’t correctly identified, back to Drummer. The large freighter begins to lose some of its hull revealing the Pella and decimates Drummer’s group. Drummer’s ally, the gravely injured Liang Walker sacrifices himself and his ship to damage the Pella. The episode’s attention then focuses on the Rocinante’s gamble of confusing Medina Station’s railguns with an enormous amount of cargo container camouflaging the drop troops. Several of their numbers perish but after a few setbacks, Bobbie Draper and Amos lead the troops on the ground. Draper manages to take out the air defenses allowing the Rocinante to provide the final strike to disable to railguns. Afterwards, the Rocinante is made aware that the retreating Free Navy forces will enter the ring any moment and the coalition fleet is too far away to engage in time. Naomi brings up the idea on waking the entities within the ring and kill the incoming Free Navy ships. They send the freighter they used for the previous fight, filling it with explosives and blow it as it transitions within the ring itself. Naomi cries on the thought of killing her only son, Filip who is onboard the Pella. With the Free Navy destroyed, including Marco Inaros. The war is over and we transition to a meeting regarding the control of Medina Station. All three sides argue against proposals that wouldn’t be in their favor but they conclude that Holden is the best candidate to be unbiased in control of the station. However soon after the ceremony commemorating the Transit Union, Holden resigns and gives immediate control of the station to his Vice President Camina Drummer. Explaining to an outraged Avasarala that this is the right move and allows the Belt to have a say. By episode’s end, it’s revealed that upon learning that Marco is not phased on the death of Rosenfeld in the previous battle and even if Filip were to perish. That Marco strongly believes the Free Navy’s cause must move on regardless. Filip soon afterward leaves the Pella on a scavenger ship prior to the Free Navy’s demise through the ring.

‘Babylon’s Ashes’ being the final episode of the sixth season for The Expanse. Having concluded the Free Navy’s threat to the solar system arc and having a somewhat joyful look to the future. Despite having Laconia segments throughout the season giving an ominous vibe to the future as Duarte looks out to the protomolecule station orbiting above. The episode consists of plenty of action involving space combat and even on foot in a sense. Carefully balancing the politics of all three sides in what’s at sake in their fight with Marco Inaros and afterwards of the future with the rings. Now, fortunately the writers and production company behind The Expanse have said the series will have a pause. With the books the show adapts from having three more to go through, but that’ll require a time-jump. That seventh season might arrive maybe in the next few years and we can’t wait to see what will happen with the peace of the Solar System and Laconia’s looming threat.

It earns a 3 out of 5.


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