State Of Digital Void TV – Closing Out 2022

TLDR; 2022 didn’t treat Digital Void TV as we’d like and hope 2023 starts and ends as a banger with many things in the pipeline, both feasible and others needing resources.

With the year of 2022 about to end, we transition into the new year of 2023! Honestly, Digital Void TV wasn’t able to do much of anything this year that we wanted aside from our daily posts. We’ll be talking about various things related to the year of 2022 like new developments and discoveries. Wanting to clear, a potential question about why don’t we download then re-upload the trailers or videos we repost from other sources. Ultimately, to avoid any legal issues and having to contact content owners for permission. However, we want to make changes to things like this soon and become more of a source of information rather than a redirection.

Our website throughout the year went through various changes since it and the rest of Digital Void TV is mainly run by a single person. Finding a balance between the amount of maintenance needed and the ease of use for the editor and visitors. Note: Also finding a balance between their work for income, personal life and Digital Void TV every single day. We’ve dabbled in between themes for the website from Singl (WordPress provided), Manticore (RocketThemes but requires constant maintenance) to our current one that sits in between, Neve (WordPress provided).

Singl ThemeManticore ThemeNeve Theme

We’ve ideas that we want to implement, so bare with us as they are slowly brought in and themes change once again. Some of these ideas are still in work-in-progress but are already here. We have a map plug-in that allows you to find locations in our local area (Los Angeles). That plug-in is currently in use for haunted locations in our local area, we hope to provide you further information behind the what, where, why for each place that is haunted with Digital Void TV physically going to them. Shortly, we’ll be going over more behind this content, but the plug-in is also expected to provide our visitors with further information into comic, tech, movie, etc. locations in our local area as we plan to highlight them. Another tool that we are experimenting is creating a live TV-like internet station, since it has been mentioned before that Digital Void TV is heavily inspired by G4TV (original run). The current service for this that has been settled as a hopeful temporary solution is by Viloud. The permanent solution is creating an actual plug-in or software that Digital Void TV can use for themselves and potentially letting outside parties use it too. We will be going over this content soon but let’s continue on other website developments. WooCommerce is integrated with WordPress (the platform we use for this website) and are looking into finding ways to self-fund. One of these ways is merchandise by outside sources allowing us to slap our logo/designs onto them and we receive a cut from those purchases. Currently settled with Bonfire but other sources may soon follow depending on how things go. In conclusion for the website stuff, these three tools are still a work-in-progress and other ideas still in the backlog will begin to appear and become officialized.

We would like to jump in and update you on our socials! We have Twitter, Instagram, Discord and Patreon. For this year, we made a Tumblr that we hope to take advantage since it’s still a great tool for content creators! There are also other social medias that is considered (TikTok, Hive Social, and Mastodon) but not necessary to avoid burning ourselves out without a dedicated social media person. Only reason why Twitter is the one mainly used and now Tumblr is because WordPress allows automatic sharing. Hopefully this new year, things change for the better! Outside of social media, we do have our YouTube, Vimeo and Twitch! Things on this front did significantly slow down in any content despite being optimistic for 2022. With that being brought up, let’s jump in to what things were being cooked up with its up and downs plus other things in development!

Digital Void TV Presents Test Clip

For the first thing that was being worked on since 2020 and unfortunately shelved at the beginning of 2022. Inspired by various shows like Unsolved Mysteries (atmosphere and vibe), Insidious (atmosphere and vibe), Horror’s Hallowed Grounds and practically any behind-the-scenes/documentaries of films being created. We thought of calling the series simply Digital Void TV Presents. “Hey, is that an ‘Alfred Hitchcock Presents’ reference?” Having settled on six films/television series related to the horror genre as the first season. All of these selected having been filmed in the Greater Los Angeles area, wanting to cover its conception, pre-production, filming, post-production and its immediate impact upon release. Kind of like a time capsule of each episode rather than a retrospective of today. This series will resume development in 2023 since what was made were very rough test episodes. Our main goal is to use the test episodes in order to have each episode’s selected work cast and crew to be interested in being interviewed of their past work. Since we’re small, we want to prove we’re legitimately interested and want to highlight their hard work for Digital Void TV Presents. Sad fun fact, we lost the CGI recreation of the scenes so those will have to be remade and takes a bit of time to do so. However, over the course of creating these assets, a lot of lessons were learned. So it shouldn’t take a lot of time to recreate them.

Another form of content that was being worked on this year is basically Let’s Play! The tried and true format that is prevalent on YouTube, and one such that our editor has made previously for another YouTube channel. Hopefully these Let’s Play series can be sprinkled throughout on a proper schedule and in different game genres, not just horror! However, figuring out how to make them entertaining and not feeling generic like other content creators is pushing the series’ premiere further. Coming soon, not later! We promise!

Now onto things that are planned and feasible, not completely backlogged. Exploring the idea with the supernatural and everything spooky, actually mentioned earlier! Digital Void TV plans on visiting haunted locations in our local area by creating different forms of content. So far we plan on doing a simple spotlight video, one during the day and one at night. Briefly explaining the location’s history, reasoning for its haunting and so forth. We also plan on investigating the location as typical ghost hunters but aiming towards inspiration from BuzzFeed’s Unsolved and Watcher’s Ghost Files, so yes towards comedy. Finally, in this field that we have in mind, is creating a documentary by going more in-depth on these locations with a journalistic approach. Pretty much four forms of content per location and to bring how much that could be, our work-in-progress map has at least 110 locations throughout our local area!

Last Daily I/O Episode Snapshot

We also would like to bring content from the local theme parks in our area whether that’s a walkthrough, POV (permissible because safety), guide, spotlighting and more! Reading internet creepypastas and horror stories is also in development, we’re just trying to figure out the vision on how they’ll be made. Could it be with a simple narration, narration with sound effects, the second option but with voice actors too? Should it just be a talking head video with the narrator, narrator with sketches/drawings and/or stock footage, animated? Several things to settle on but want to show an effort is being made. A return to making reviews, first being film and television topics and with more in-depth. The main reason for holding back on these since 2019 was YouTube’s constant copyright strikes on our videos that became a major demotivation. Which is why we would like to post our videos throughout and not rely on YouTube as our host provider for them. A return of Daily I/O with more passion and a division between platforms, one edited for a bit longer format and the other for short formats. Daily I/O remains as a segmented show that’ll be part of another show entirely, think of G4TV’s The Feed. Now all of these are the content that are feasible to make, even with a single person just sprinkled throughout on a schedule. Whether that’s weekly, monthly or throughout the year.

Referring back to our 2022 opening State & last official State of Digital Void TV post, we also mentioned of creating content of performing rituals to see if they’re plausible or phony. Creating video topics analyzing a theme and going into more depth such as clowns, ghosts, vampires and more. We also wanted to make short films, starting with horror and jumping into other forms of genres (this mainly goes into our editor’s passion of filmmaking, so why not?). Finally, content that is inspired by G4TV (original run) and going to deviate a bit to avoid issues. These are subject to change.

  • DigitalVoidTV: A planned hour long live-streaming show that’s directly inspired by ‘’. That show focused on today’s topics, brought in guests from the industry, had callers ask questions or voice their opinions. It’s hosts were and still are important media figures in the industry with years of experience and personal opinion, entertaining. We’re planning on doing the same thing, minus our current irrelevancy.
  • The Hype: A planned hour long live-streaming show that’s directly inspired by ‘Attack Of The Show’ and ‘X-Play’. Those shows focused on industry news, reviewed content, brought in guests from the industry, internet content and entertainment from its hosts in general. It’s hosts were and still are important media figures in the industry with years of experience and personal opinion, entertaining too. We’re planning on doing the same thing, minus our current irrelevancy. However, it’s planned to have a split to two shows in the future to be more like those two shows. It might not happen if the direction is actually great.
  • Cinematech’: A planned 30-minute video format that’s inspired from the original show. Where it focused on all things video games’ trailers, cutscenes, gameplay and more. All finely tuned in an episode that was relaxing. We’re planning on doing the same thing.
  • Cheat!’: A planned 30-minute video format or potentially live-streamed that’s inspired from the original show. Where it focused on cheat-codes and walkthrough for those difficult moments in games. We’re planning on doing the same thing.
  • Icons’: A planned 30 to 45-minute video format that’s inspired from the original show. However, depending on how our Locked in Fear programming block’s ‘Movies & Locations’ and ‘Topics’ do. It’ll go off with those in a combined format. Focusing on the gaming industry developers, publishers and games as the episodes’ topics. In addition, it also might have a ‘television movie’ covering a topic where it becomes dramatized. Those will be special episodes that we’re planning on doing.
  • Arena’: A planned 30-minute video format or potentially live-streamed that’s inspired from the original show. Where it focused on two teams of gamers competing through several games. In its original format, all of the gamers were locals and fans of the series. Where popular games of the time were used for the competition. We’re planning on doing the same thing.

Overall, the comparison between our opening 2022 State of Digital Void TV, 3/14/2020 and this one, 12/31/2022 is a bit different. We’re hoping that 2023 is the big year completely changing everything. From operating by a single person to growing with more members to make more things happen. Seeking self-funds rather than sponsorships and other forms that limits our independence. We plan on going to various events throughout the year, at least once a month and provide a journalistic approach by interviewing, photographing and highlighting them. For now, Digital Void TV is run and funded by a single person so tune in for 2023 for some great content! Yes, articles will be coming back and with effort put in to provide the best source of information with sources, if required! (English classes running through our head again by professors wanting sources cited..)


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