The Mandalorian ‘The Pirate’ Review

Released on March 29th, Chapter 21 for The Mandalorian is titled ‘The Pirate.’ Beginning on Nevarro with Greef Karga (played by Carl Weathers) who is attending a city-planning meeting is told by his protocol droid. The planet Nevarro is under siege by pirates led by Pirate King Gorian Shard. Demanding that Karga surrenders himself and the city to Shard or face destruction. Karga begins evacuating the city as Shard opens fire causing further chaos. Once safe on the outskirts, the refugees set up camp as Karga tells them that he has contacted the New Republic for aid. We then transition to another planet hosting a New Republic airbase. There, Carson Teva (played by Paul Sun-Hyung Lee) receives Karga’s distress signal and not long after the message ends. An alien makes a comment about the message’s severity, none other than Zeb Orrelios (voiced by Steve Blum). A quick character cameo who is seen in another animated show, Star Wars Rebels. Teva departs to Coruscant to get immediate approval from the higher-ups to aid Nevarro. Unfortunately, the New Republic is entangled with numerous bureaucracy that ends up giving a no-go to Teva. Which is further exacerbated by the appearance of Elia Kane (played by Katy O’Brian), who is apparently an office personnel that comments the New Republic’s duty to upholding priority of planets that have already been waiting for aid. Teva comments that there must be a connection between Imperial remnants and now pirates, especially since Moff Gideon never made it to trial. Transitioning to another planet, the one holding Din Djarin (played by Pedro Pascal) and other Mandalorians as they meet an X-Wing landing nearby which is flown by Teva. Djarin eases the tension between his faction of Mandalorians distrustful of Teva representing the New Republic, holds the conversation away to also shoo him off. Teva ignores it by giving Djarin, Karga’s message which is replayed in the episode for a fourth time now. Djarin holds a meeting with the Mandalorians by the fire where each person holds The Armorer’s tool to speak. At first, it seems the group are inclined to not help but Paz Vizsla motivates the group in the opposite direction. Bo-Katan Kryze (played by Katee Sackhoff) and Djarin devises a plan to distract and drop Mandalorians into the occupied city. Kryze pushes for a tactical and military-like approach.

Upon arriving to Nevarro, transitioning from out of hyperspace with the planet coming into view. Djarin uses his N-1 ship to distract the snub fighters originating from Shard’s flagship, far enough for Kryze to drop the Mandalorians. They drop in with jetpacks slowing down their descent as they methodically move in the streets using the buildings as cover. The team makes progress but are pinned down when the pirates deploy a heavy turret weapon in Karga’s office balcony. The Armorer (played by Emily Swallow) appears in the office stealthily, using her armory tools to take down each pirate present there. Up in the sky, Djarin takes out numerous snub fighters and it appears Shard is defeated. Who grows desperate and begins firing indiscriminately on the city. Affecting the Mandalorians, refugee fighters and even pirates. Djarin and Kryze use their ship’s weapons to focus fire on the last engine of Shard’s ship causing it to crash in the nearby mountains by the city. Thus ending the fight one last time. Karga gives a rousing speech to thank the Mandalorians and offers them a large amount of land to help them have a permanent home. Afterward, The Armorer requests Kryze’s appearance in the former covert that was in Nevarro’s sewers. She tells Kryze to take off her helmet who is hesitant at first, but tells her that she can walk on both sides of the Way. Stating that Kryze is the only one that can unite the Mandalorians and retake their home world of Mandalore. After this meeting, the Mandalorians are taken aback by Kryze now showing her face. The Armorer reexplains the situation as all of them accept Kryze’s new task. Off planet, Teva approaches cautiously to a derelict transport ship that is revealed to be Moff Gideon’s. It appears to have been disabled with the crew inside left for dead and Moff Gideon himself freed. A beskar material is found inside the ship, plausibly linking the Mandalorians being responsible.

The Pirate is an action-packed episode that in the beginning starts off slow then takes off running. Mixing between combat and mystery. Having Teva continue the mystery behind Moff Gideon’s fate that is continually referenced during this season. The Mandalorians conducting a rescue operation for the city of Nevarro against numerous pirates. As well as action in the sky as Djarin and Kryze fly wildly taking out fighters and the big ol’ flagship of Shard. His fate is unfortunately quickly sealed, hoped his presence could’ve lingered for more episodes. Even more so, if the Mandalorians managed to commandeer Shard’s flagship as their own would’ve been an amazing prize. Now that Karga offered and annexed land for them. Which in of itself is exciting, The Armorer has realized the need to conform to non-Children of the Watch Mandalorians. Believing having a base of operation and the ability to slowly retake Mandalore now that Kryze is on their side. It is exciting to see this and what Teva had discovered as it unfolds in the following episodes. We’re now on episode 5 on this 8-episode season. Things might be ramping up even faster now!

It earns a 4 out of 5.


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