The Mandalorian ‘The Spies’ Review

Released on April 11th, we start off on the planet of Coruscant as a clandestine meeting starts. Elia Kane (played by Katy O’Brian) turns out to be a double-agent, obviously and meets with a droid transmitting Moff Gideon’s (played by Giancarlo Esposito) hologram. She explains the events that had transpired, the Mandalorians having decided on retaking their home. Even worse case for Gideon, Bo-Katan Kryze’s Nite Owls and Din Djarin’s covert forming an unsteady alliance for a common cause. Gideon tells Kane to report any further information, he’ll deal with the Mandalorian threat. We transition to Gideon’s present location as he walks past a heavily-guarded corridor to a meeting room of holograms. The holograms are of Imperial high-officials talking amongst each other of their sector’s status. Introduced at the meeting is General Hux (played by Brian Gleeson), Captain Pellaeon (played by Xander Berkely) and unnamed others. There is mention of Project Necromancer which is what led to Supreme Leader Snoke in the Sequel Trilogy, as well as Grand Admiral Thrawn’s impending return. In the end, Gideon is to receive support and reinforcements to quell the growing Mandalorian threat.

Back on Nevarro, a large fleet descends above the city as High Magistrate Greef Karga (played by Carl Weathers) is alerted by his assistant droid. Explaining the fleet isn’t Imperial but Mandalorian as the larger ship in the fleet, a light cruiser bears the Mythosaur symbol. Transitioning to one of the ships, Kryze (played by Katee Sackhoff), Djarin (played by Pedro Pascal) and Grogu (played by Grogu) lead the fleet towards the Mandalorian camp down below. Kryze hopes the two opposing Mandalorian groups can co-exist and the plan for retaking Mandalore can continue. The fleet lands and both sides tensely look upon each other, the Armorer (played by Emily Swallow) announces a feast. Karga appears and calls Djarin for a quick meeting. Showing off IG-11 having been transformed to IG-12 without the memory circuit and now requiring a small pilot. Cue Grogu, as Djarin is reluctant but the little guy quickly gets used to IG-12 and its audible ‘Yes’/’No’ buttons. After the feast, Kryze then calls for a meeting asking volunteers from both sides to be part of the recon party as the rest is to remain in orbit above Mandalore. Djarin, Koska Reeves (played by Mercedes Vernado), Axe Woves (played by Simon Kassiandies), Paz Vizsla (played by Tait Fletcher), the Armorer and several others volunteer. The Mandalorians depart Nevarro and quickly jump out of hyperspace above Mandalore. As Kryze slowly pilots her transport ship through Mandalore’s atmosphere, opening the drop hatch for the Mandalorians to be ready as they approach the drop point. Vizsla comments the view out of surprise, Mandalore is worse in appearance than he thought. While Woves comments having been present when the Great Purge occurred. The group touches down and gives the green-light for Kryze to land the ship. The group’s task is to find an opening on the surface to get to the Great Forge. As time passes on their trek, they are met with a land ship, operated by surviving Mandalorians. These Mandalorians appear loyal to Kryze, even after all those years had passed and their group also have injured members onboard. The two groups then form up, exchanging food and conciliating from isolation. At dinner, Kryze gives them an explanation behind her guilt that she continues to harbor. Revealing to had surrendered Mandalore to Moff Gideon in exchange to no more death and destruction to her people. Of course, Gideon backtracked on the agreement resulting in the Great Purge. Djarin after dinner, moved by this truth, gives oath and dedication to Kryze in helping her restore Mandalore. After this conversation, Kryze asks the surviving Mandalorians that her group is searching for the Great Forge which they offer to directly take them. At daylight, the group heads off while the injured Mandalorians are left under the Armorer’s care as she flies them back to the fleet. The land ship approaches the location of the Great Forge and is attacked by a large creature emerging from the glassed surface. Forcing the group to abandon the vehicle in haste. The group trek into the caves and are shocked at the destroyed city of Sundari and what remains of the Great Forge. They spot flying figures, at first mistaking them for Mandalorians but Kryze quickly corrects them. They’re Imperial jetpack troopers wearing armor resistant to direct blaster fire. After the ambush, the group pushes towards the Great Forge through a tunnel but find themselves near a hidden Imperial base. A trap is sprung splitting the group, Djarin and a few Mandalorians are exposed to numerous Imperials. Djarin ends up being captured, a black-cloaked and armored Imperial arrives who removes their helmet, it’s Moff Gideon. The situation is now tense, Djarin is restrained and Gideon threatens an enraged Kryze to surrender her forces. She instead uses the darksaber to cut an escape through a nearby door for the group. Vizsla sacrifices himself to give the group a chance as more reinforcements arrive. Fighting them off even as his minigun had melted, starts using his brute strength until the arrival of three Praetorian Guards. A short melee fight occurs but the three guards brutally end Vizsla as they stab him deeply with their weapons at once. The episode ends with the guards leaving Vizsla to succumb to his wounds.

The Spies, note the plural in Chapter 23’s title is a great action-packed episode with just one more episode for season 3 remaining. We clearly saw Elia Kane being a double-agent a mile away. Especially with her silencing Dr. Pershing and the mention of Moff Gideon never making it to trial. There has to be Imperial spies within the ranks of the New Republic. However, the episode’s title plural implication of other spies fuels further speculation on what the other moles could be. Within the Mandalorians, who could it be? Either way, ‘The Spies’ left Djarin being captured, Kryze in retreat with the rest of the surviving members and Gideon having mobilized the fighters and bombers. Are we going to start the last episode of the season with a space battle?

It earns a 4 out of 5.


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