Star Citizen receives a new update & trailer, Alpha 3.20!

New Features


  • Seraphim Station

Bringing the Crusader Port station in line with the other stations and replacing the long standing Port Olisar, Seraphim Station brings many of the amenities needed to accommodate the various features required of a station such as hangars, cargo decks, shopping, clinics, and habs.


  • Automated Cargo Transfer and New Cargo Packing System

Alpha 3.20 includes the addition of the new automated cargo transferal experience to the PU for the Hull-C. The existing cargo transaction system, which other ships will still use for this release, will instantly pop all of the purchased cargo into a ship or instantly remove all sold cargo off the ship after the transaction has completed. The Hull C however requires a new experience where the player after buying or selling the cargo at the commodity kiosk will be prompted to pick it up/drop it off at a loading area. To do so the player retrieves their vehicle then hails the location’s Cargo Services to get assigned a loading area (similar to getting assigned a landing area from ATC). After flying their ship to the loading area they will be prompted to stop moving, and then extend the spindles on their ship. Once the ship is ready cargo will be added onto the cargo grids of the ship over a period of approximately 5 or so minutes, depending on the size of the load. Currently these boxes will just pop into place. If the player moves or someone enters the area the transfer will be interrupted until the disruption is addressed or the loading area is eventually revoked. After transfer is completed successfully the player will be prompted to leave the area, eventually getting a warning for impounding if they do not.

With the changes for the Hull-C comes a complete rewrite of how the cargo system places cargo into ships (any ships, not just the Hull-C). Previous versions of the system only dealt with 1 SCU containers, and could use fairly simple logic for placement or removal. We are now supporting various sized boxes to be placed in the cargo holds (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32) as well as supporting various orientations of placement in the grid to work around grid obstructions. This also includes temporary tractor beam strength changes to support the attachment/detachment of those various sized boxes using the tractor beam.

  • New Mission: Illegal Salvage Coverup Mission

Salvage Coverup is a new variation on the salvage missions. These new missions come as a new, illegal mission contract called The Tar Pits to cover up for the perpetrator of a crime, in this case NineTails, who want to keep their involvement under the radar. You are tasked to hull scrape their entire ship, to remove the NineTails paintjob before the ship evidence is discovered by security. If security forces arrive before you manage to perform the coverup, the security ships spot the hull colors, report back, and you will fail and be attacked if at the location. Do it in time, and the Tar Pits will pay you handsomely for your efforts, and your silence.

Ships and Vehicles

  • New Ship: MISC Hull-C
  • New Ship: Mirai Fury LX

Core Tech

  • HDR Implementation

High Dynamic Range (HDR) is now enabled for players with a compatible monitor. This is activated in Windows by going to the ‘Windows Display Settings’ and selecting ‘Use HDR’. Then, open Star Citizen and select ‘HDR’ in the ‘Graphics tab’.

Feature Updates


  • Underground Facilities – Rastar Update

Rastar is a tool which is used to quickly build POI’s on planet surfaces by combining pre-built modules together at the click of a button. They also change the way which mission locations are setup and streamed in, essentially, they are the future of creating planetary locations. This update moves all our original UGF’s over to the new Rastar tool workflow. All UGF’s have been replaced in the same positions as they were previously, with the settings they previously had applied to them reapplied where appropriate. This means functionally the current locations should be no different than they were before on the mission side of things and also art wise should be the same barring some minor adjustments to the exterior layout of each location.


  • Wheeled Vehicle Handling Improvements

Updates and improvements to current ground vehicle movement parameters and simulation, allowing for more robust tuning and identity between various ground vehicles.

  • AI Ship Difficulty Rebalance

Until now, there has been a very small pool of ships available for use as AI in missions. With this new change we have included every ship able to QT into the mix for both Criminals and Civilians, though some that didn’t make sense for Criminals have not been added, like Cutlass Blue for instance. This update includes a full AI Ship Rebalance of difficulties. Ships have been divided into difficulty bands which have mainly been derived from large data sets based on PVP analytics. Finally, we have also made a new ship difficulty band of Very Hard which is now reflected in the Very Hard bounty/assassination missions.

  • Vaulting & Mantling – Air Ledge Grab Improvements

Implementing updated Vaulting & Mantling improvements that make the process much more smooth and intuitive for players. This update allows players to now be able to grab ledges while running and jumping, low/high vault while running and/or in mid-air, and allows low/high mantle while running and/or in mid-air.

  • Server Crash Recovery QoL Update

Server Crash Recovery has been updated for PES to now remember the last location the ship hailed for landing and landed/docked at. This will allow players who hit a server crash to have their ship spawn back at the last hailed location instead of their chosen home location where the landing area may not be equipped to handle their ships, such as a fully loaded or extended Hull-C.

  • Anti Combat Logging

Along with 3.20, we have added a new Combat Logging mechanic to avoid as much of this issue as possible. With this updated mechanic, while a player is in combat and outside of a green zone, the player and their ship will remain in the PU for a short period after exiting the game fully or to the menu. This also comes with a warning while exiting to menu to make sure you are in a safe area before leaving as it will leave your ship and character vulnerable at the location they left the server.

  • Notifications and Communication Settings

We have added multiple new options to help control what notifications and comms you will receive from other players. This includes blocking comms calls from non-friends as well as block friend requests, notifications from friend requests, party invites, and aUEC transactions.

  • Ship Quantum HUD Alignment

We have done a full pass on all ships to make sure all the Quantum HUDs have been properly aligned in view. Along with this, much of the Quantum UI has been removed to be much cleaner and remove unnecessary elements until a full, future quantum HUD update.

  • Argo MOLE Pilot Improvement

Added the ability for the Pilot in the Argo MOLE to use the ships mining scanners. This will not allow the pilot to use the lasers from the seat but will give the pilot the much needed information directly while scanning mineables.

  • MFD Persistence

Custom Vehicle MFD selections should now persist for as long as you keep the vehicle intact. Players should only have to set MFD menu selection once per vehicle but losing and insurance claiming it will create a new vehicle, thus losing the saved custom MFD.

  • Mobiglas Background and Darkness Occlusion

Visual updates to help the mobiGlas more readable on bright backgrounds. Vehicle/Ship HUD and other selective UI is now hidden while opening the mobiGlas in a pilot seat.

  • Mining Stability and Polish

Enhanced lifetime of ROC coolers to help adjust them overheating while in use and breaking down too quick.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Greatly increased the internal storage of the Drake Corsair

Core Tech

  • Keybinds Updates for 3.20

There have been many changes to default keybinds in this latest 3.20 update including removing some as default keybinds. Activate Ping changed to hold & release V, Flight ready changed to Right Alt+R, Decoupled mode moved to C, Cruise Control moved to Left Alt+C. (Please note: The default keyboard visual has incorrect bindings shown for this release. Please reference the “Advanced Controls Customization” for full list of updates.)

  • Updated EAC SDK to 1.15.5
  • Made Several Server Performance Improvements
  • Made Further Planetary Performance Optimizations
  • Made Further Engine Rendering Performance Improvements

Major Bug Fixes

  • Players should no longer spin wildly when exiting a ship into EVA
  • Fixed an issue that was causing players to take unintended damage at the moment of transitioning from a ship grid into EVA
  • Fixed an issue causing players to become unbound and invisible to other players
  • Enemy combat AI should no longer be slow to respond or react
  • Fixed an issue causing the ROC’s mining laser to not function
  • Fixed an issue causing the glass material to be blocked on ships with an activated view port (Talon, Prowler, ect)
  • Fixed an issue causing vehicles to be undeliverable from ASOP terminals
  • Fixed an issue causing interaction mode to constantly re-center the screen
  • Fixed an issue causing the starmap to not show planets the first time they open it
  • Fixed misaligned inventory items on widescreen resolutions
  • Fixed an issue causing looted items to not be equipable after restarting the game session
  • Fixed Medical Beds sometimes obstructing ships in hangars
  • Spawning ships causes the requested ship to spawn outside of the hangars
  • Ships should no longer show as ‘Destroyed’ when clicking ‘Store’ on the ASOP
  • Fixed an issue causing NPC reinforcements at outposts to wreck themselves continuously, creating piles
  • Fixed an issue causing CryAstro services to not offer the option to repair/refuel/restock ships
  • The Vulture default Baler salvage heads should now be able to be re-equipped in the VMA
  • Transit – Area18 – Orison – Shuttles/Trains/Trams – Fixed an isssue causing players to fall through some trams and shuttles to their deaths
  • Equipping more than 5 components in a single “Save Changes and Equip” VMA transaction should no longer fail
  • Fixed an issue causing ships to sometimes no load in the VMA
  • Fixed an issue causing players the sometimes lload in with their character dead, T-Posing, and partially submerged into the hab floor
  • Fixed an issue causing the Greycat Salvage Backpack to not equip correctly
  • Female player character should now be able to fully reach the medical bed terminal screen in various ships
  • Artimex Helmet’s respiratory tube should now fully attach correctly when using the set
  • Fixed an issue causing ships to float away when landed on planets (Separate issue from blown away in the wind)
  • Players should no longer be instantly downed when transitioning from EVA to Gravity with a Tier 1 leg injury
  • Deadbolt V Cannon fire should no longer be inconsistent in its damage to players on foot
  • Ursa rovers outside of Klescher Rehabilitation Facility should no longer spawn under the garages, preventing prisoner escape
  • Transaction failures should no longer occur when attempting to deposit Harvestables in Klescher
  • ASOPs and ATC should no longer report all landing pads full despite empty hangars
  • New Deal and Vantage Rental Kiosks should no longer be missing
  • Mining Deposits Fracture Difficulty should no longer randomly change
  • Refinery terminals should no longer give a “Processing Your Request” message and not load the interface
  • The total transaction cost of renting ships/vehicles that’s displayed on rental kiosks should no longer be incorrect to what the player is actually charged
  • Players should no longer be able to enter the ANVIL Carrack via interacting with the manned turrets on foot or via EVA
  • Greycat Multitool should now consistently stay attached to the Drake Vulture weapon rack
  • Paints should no longer cause the captain and crew quarters windows to be opaque in the Origin 400i
  • Fixed an issue causing Ultrawide resolutions to inhibit cursor movement and block the inventory close button
  • Fixed an issue causing lootable containers to displays a red loot prompt that is not intractable


  • Fixed 7 Client crashes
  • Fixed 10 Server crashes

Arena Commander 3.20 Patch Notes

Unified Frontend & Lobby System

Electronic Access, Arena Commander and Star Marine have merged under a single “Arena Commander” frontend menu. This new frontend, powered by Building Blocks, unifies the various simulation module brands and menus into a single easy to use interface.
Included in this significant refactor is a complete rewrite of Arena Commander’s lobby system allowing you to squad up with people directly from your friends or party list with new squad limits per game mode, which can be seen from the game mode selection tiles.
This refactor sees Singleplayer, Multiplayer and Private renamed to Offline, Online and Custom respectively.

Experimental Modes

An exciting new initiative for Arena Commander has “Experimental Modes” rotate for a limited time throughout a patch cycle. These modes range from simple variants of existing modes like Single Weapon Elimination to brand new modes that explore new mechanics, locations, or even in-development features before they reach the Persistent Universe like part of the new flight model, Master Modes.

Play each game mode to be eligible for the “999th Test Squadron” Spectrum Badge!

  • Gun Rush

Gun Rush is a fast-paced elimination mode where each kill changes your weapon. Victory goes to whoever progresses fastest through all ranks to claim a kill with the final weapon.

  • Tank Royale

Tank Royale faces players off in a free-for-all tank battle across various ground arenas. Prove your skill using the new tank tunings & improved physics in this elimination-based game mode.

  • Team Tank Battle

Slightly larger scale than Tank Royale Team Tank Battle pits two opposing teams against each other, push forward against the enemy team and declare victory for your team in this team-based elimination mode.

  • Single Weapon Elimination

Ever wondered how you’d fair on an even playing field? Single Weapon Elimination debuts with the ArcLight pistol, the weapon all players have when beginning their journey in the Persistent Universe.

  • Mirror Match

Single Vehicle Elimination didn’t quite have a ring to it. Mirror Match equips each player with a communal (no purchase necessary) MIRAI Fury. Prove your dog fighting skills in this 1 vs 1 game mode where each player flies the same ship.

  • Master Modes: Free Flight, Duel & Endless Vanduul Swarm

Try out the brand new “Endless Vanduul Swarm” during this limited test of Master Modes. Come nose to nose with a swarm of Vanduul Scavengers, Hunters, Alphas and the 7 infamous Vanduul Primes that ravaged humanity for decades. There may never be an end to this swarm; but how long can you survive?

Experimental Modes: Master Modes (Detailed)

Experimental Versions of Free Flight, Duel and a special Endless version of Vanduul Swarm will play host a collection of features that update our flight model – the original game modes will be unaffected & remain playable. Dubbed “Master Modes” this feature encompasses many changes to our flight systems, detailed below.

Note below will detail default keybinds.

  • Flight Model changes:

– Added Tri-chording and Attitude Limiters: Axis combination of tri-chording and combined pitch yaw movement will not yield higher accelerations or rotates rates anymore. Highest G accelerations are now forward, best rotation axis is defined per ship. This only applies to ships used during the master modes test.
– Gladius agility was increased
– Boost and regen were adjusted

  • Master Modes:

– Master Modes added (press B to swap) between NAV and SCM
– SCM allows high capacitor regen rates, shields and weapons but restricts max speed
– Thruster boost / afterburner will temporarily allow you to extend beyond the SCM boundary
– NAV allows high speed but no shields and weapons. It also heavily restricts regen rates.
– Swapping between master modes in not immediate
– Shield face health is stored in a buffer up to a certain ratio when going from SCM to NAV. When going from NAV to SCM that buffer will be quickly pushed back into the faces. The shield face generation from that buffer cannot be interrupted by incoming fire.

  • Gunnery changes:

– New aiming system is enabled
– Combined fixed assist was removed.
– Fixed assist per gun was added.
– Auto gimbal mode: Instead of keeping of keeping the target in an 8 degree cone you only need to keep the target roughly around your aim point and your gimbals will track. When auto gimbals are not tracking they will act like manual gimbals.
– Fixed mode: there is one PIP per projectile speed group (you will see one PIP for the KLWEs and one for the GATS).
– Manual gimbal mode now also has fixed assist for each gun.
– Added option: show precision lines (for fixed and manual gimbal mode)
– Added option: Auto gimbal display (focused on average PIP or focused on target with gimbal position indicators)
– New target bracket
– Drastically increased ballistic ammo
– Removed N-1 system: An S3 gimbal will now hold an S3 gun (with penalty)
– Custom weapon stats for the Gladius weaponry
– Shield layout for the used Gladius is now Front / Back

  • Targeting changes:

– Added bindings to allow setting the default convergence distance directly from an input axis, however there is no UI for this yet
– Added binding to suppress aim assists if the button is held. Use it when you feel that aim assist works against you.

Spawning & Loadout Module Refactor

A rewrite of Arena Commander’s Spawning & Loadout Modules has the legacy code updated to modern standards, utilizing Persistent Entity Streaming, new entitlement service and a new spawn screen being introduced to most game modes allowing players to select their vehicle from within the game.

This is the first part of a series of updates to how spawning & loadouts are handled in Arena Commander, laying the foundations for exciting new additions like in-game loadout customization, multicrew and spawn locations.

We have removed the ability to customize your undersuit and team-based game modes will now overwrite your armor. Ammo and Medpens are no longer manually equipped, instead players are restocked on respawn. These changes allow us to streamline the loadout customization experience while we continue work towards a refactored UI/UX.

New Horizon Speedway Revamp

One of Star Citizens oldest locations sees it updated to include a real, full, planet – Green, the 3rd planet of the Ellis System. Including full atmosphere and refined track layout these new tracks bring a new challenge to Arena Commander’s Classic Race game mode. In addition to the three revamped maps: Old Vanderval, Rikkord Memorial Raceway and Defford Link.

A 4th addition to the New Horizon Speedway Collection, Halloran Circuit, introduces unique challenges with difficulty rivaling Defford Link, the hardest of all the tracks.


  • Adjustments

Nearly all maps have received a VFX & Time of Day Lighting Pass. Increasing the overall visual quality.

  • All New Maps for 3.20 Arena Commander

– All Game Modes (excl. Classic Race): Security Post Kareah, INS Jericho, and Winner’s Circle.
– Elimination: Echo 11
– Classic Race: Euterpe Icebreaker, Snake Pit, Yadar Valley, Miner’s Lament, New Horizon Speedway: Halloran Circuit.

New Rewards

Alongside this content drop is several new rewards to obtain from playing Arena Commander! Rewards can only be obtained in Online matches.
The following badge rewards have been added, you can view your acquired badge on your Spectrum Profile.

  • 2953 Pirate Aggressor: Complete Pirate Swarm: Unlocking grants access to The Pirate Gladius and The Caterpillar Pirate Edition pledge store pages.
  • 2953 Vanduul Aggressor: Reach Wave 25 of Endless Vanduul Swarm.
  • 2953 Master-at-Arms: Win a match of Gun Rush.
  • 2953 Tank Commander: Win a match of any Tank game mode.
  • 999th Test Squadron: Play every Alpha 3.20 Experimental Mode to completion at least once.

Game Modes Adjustments

– Duel – Mode has been updated to be round-based. Players will now face off in a best-of-3 match where after each kill both players reset for the next round. Careful, ballistics & missiles will persist between rounds!
– Control (Last Stand) – Alongside a large collection of bug fixes and quality of life improvements to the mode and its maps our objective-focused game mode “Last Stand” has been renamed to “Control”.
– Free Flight – Reduced max players from 24 to 16 after player and performance feedback.

System & Balance

– Competitive Scoring – All competitive game modes now feature a new competitive scoring system where you are measured against the leaderboard rating of your opponent. Fighting the best pilot in the verse? You’ll get increased score depending on the difference in rating or on the flip side experienced players now receive significantly reduced score for killing new players.
– Death Cameras – All game modes now feature new death cameras, originally exclusive to Theaters of War, these new death cameras will follow your killer giving you a better idea of who, what and where for your killer.
– Lobby Recovery – Introduced with the new lobby system players who disconnect by any means from their lobby (be it in-game or forming on the Frontend) you’ll now be presented with an option to recover your instance, reconnecting to your lobby and if applicable automatically connecting to the match they are in.
– New Loading Screen Flow – With 3.20 we have performed a small refactor to how loading screens operate for Arena Commander. Once you begin connecting to your match you will first see a Game Mode loading screen. Shortly following that, as soon as the map which you are connecting to is confirmed, you will transition to a loading screen specific to the map. This resolves a long-standing issue where loading screens would be inaccurate to the map you are loading into.
– Pickup Balance – Ballistic pickups now award 100% of your ammo divided by the number of ballistic weapons (i.e. 4 ballistic weapons will receive 25% each upon pickup, while a single ballistic will be fully restored). Ballistic Pickups now also award Countermeasures.
– Medpens – Resolved an issue that caused some medpens to heal ~3% health. Alongside this change we have made a number of quality-of-life improvements to Medpens overall including that once healed you will automatically switch back to your weapon, and you should now automatically discard empty medpens among other quality of life and bugfixing.
– Scoreboard Updates – The first of a series of updates to the scoreboard was added, including a minor visual update primarily for team-based game modes, now showing team names, logos and rounds won. Squad members will now be highlighted differently.
– Lethal Takedowns – You can now hold the takedown button to perform a lethal takedown, regardless of having a knife. Tap the takedown button to perform a non-lethal takedown.
– Entitlement Refactor & Communal Vehicles – A refactor how entitlements and free vehicles/equipment are handled in Arena Commander. This should provide a faster and more stable experience when using or renting vehicles and equipment. We’re introducing a “Communal” concept, which allows us to grant players vehicles or equipment on a per-game mode basis without the overhead of the entitlement systems. These communal vehicles are free to all players but non-customizable; however, in most cases if the player already owns the vehicle, they will be able to utilize their vehicle with full customization (though some game modes may purposely limit customization).


While we work on a full refactor of our leaderboards, we have delivered some updates to the existing. In-Game Leaderboards have been removed; however, you can still access the website version here on the RSI Website.

  • Battle Royale has been removed from the leaderboards.
  • Duel has been added to the leaderboards.
  • “Last Stand” has been renamed to “Control” to match the in-game name.
  • Fixed an issue that caused individual entries per map.
  • Fixed several missing statistics.

Arena Commander Bugfixing


  • Fixed an issue where switching between game modules or network type would cause you to load into the wrong instance type.


  • In all maps, fixed an issue where a map would start with the wrong “Time of Day”.
  • In all maps, fixed several locations which appeared too dark.
  • In all maps, fixed a collection of cases where the player could get out of bounds.
  • In all maps, removed the black & red out effects caused by being out-of-bounds.
  • In The Good Doctor, fixed an issue which caused players to clip under the facility.
  • In The Good Doctor, fixed an issue that caused the planet to become baron.
  • In The Good Doctor, fixed a large collection of vis-area related issues.


  • In Classic Race, fixed an issue where races would end after one lap.
  • In Classic Race, fixed the “Fastest Lap” appearing incorrectly on the scoreboard.
  • In Classic Race, fixed an issue where the game feed would report a bad string for checkpoints.
  • In Classic Race, fixed an issue where players would spawn on-top of each other during the pre-game.
  • In Classic Race, fixed an issue where with 4 or more players the player would spawn at checkpoint spawns rather than at the starting line.
  • In Classic Race, fixed an issue where the player would not match cycle.
  • In Control, fixed the scoreboard appearing inconsistently between rounds.
  • In Control, fixed an issue where objective text was not appearing.
  • In Control, fixed an issue where rounds would end prematurely.
  • In Control, fixed an issue where players were getting stuck interacting with the terminals.
  • In Control, fixed an issue where teams were scrambled in Round 3
  • In Control, fixed an issue where players would spawn on the wrong spawn point between rounds.
  • In Control, fixed an issue where the capture area VFX was sized incorrectly.
  • In FPS modes, fixed an issue where the pre-game countdown was ignored.
  • In Squadron Battle, fixed players self-destruct punishment not applying.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where victory score awards were not triggering.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where the game would not end after all enemies were defeated.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where enemy ships would not spawn.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where the AI would fly out of the playable area.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where if a player left during an active wave the enemy AI would stop spawning.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where AI would spawn and not move.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where the match would not end after all players lost their respawns.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where AI names were not present.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where Legendary Pirate or Vanduul names were not present.
  • In Swarm, fixed an issue where an AI assignment node was failing, resulting in AI behaving irregularly.
  • In Pirate Swarm, fixed an issue where several voice lines were not triggering.

Systems / Misc

  • Fixed an issue where pickups were not collectable.
  • Fixed an issue where pickups did not award the correct number of consumables.
  • Fixed a collection of issues relating to Rounds with a full refactor of the system.
  • Fixed a rare threading crash when flying through Racing Rings.
  • Fixed an issue where players would spawn too early, allowing players to enter combat with them before they had properly spawned.
  • Fixed a collection of issues with spawn invulnerability.
  • Fixed team scoring being inconsistent with actual score earned. Teams now gain 10% of player damage & kill scoring.
  • Fixed suicide & self-destruct punishment contributing to team scoring.
  • Fixed a collection of issues with Analytics where players events were either not reporting Singleplayer instances or providing inaccurate information.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck spawning due to not waiting for the OC to load.
  • Fixed an issue where games would not end.
  • Fixed broken weapon audio with Lumin V
  • Fixed a crash after receiving your second pickup.
  • Fixed an issue which award players positive score for attacking friendlies.
  • Fixed an issue where the players weapon would randomly drop.
  • Fixed several issues with “Join Friend” for Arena Commander instances.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players suiciding/self-destructing in all game modes.
  • Fixed various cases of ship names or descriptions being wrong in the VMA.
  • Fixed various issues caused by players joining mid-match.
  • Fixed an issue where the med-dispensers supplied the wrong medpen.
  • Fixed an issue where the med-dispenser marker would not appear.
  • Fixed an issue which caused players to get stuck in a death/respawn loop after killing an AI.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would always respawn in the same spot.
  • Fixed an issue where mineable were appearing in modes other than Free Flight.
  • Fixed an issue where players would matchmake into games that have already started, resulting in a 30014 error.
  • Fixed an issue where “Waiting for Players” count would reset when a player died.
  • Fixed an issue where after renting an item the player would not receive it until they restart their client.
  • Fixed a collection of issues which resulted in an infinite load due to bad spawn parameters.
  • Fixed an issue where match cycling would not select a new random map, causing players to get stuck repeatedly matchmaking into the same map.
  • Fixed an issue where award UI would appear in Offline (prev. Singleplayer), where awards are not possible.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the mouse being enabled during “Searching for Match” match cycling.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting “Cancel” during “Searching for Match” would not work.
  • Fixed a collection of issues which resulted in the wrong loading screen being displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the ready system would not timeout after a set time, causing some servers to get stuck with AFK players not starting the match.

Source: Roberts Space Industries


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