The Expanse ‘Force Projection’ Review

Released this week, episode 3 (59th) of The Expanse’s season 6 premiered titled ‘Force Projection.’ Starting off on the planet of Laconia, returning to the young girl named Kara who’s in class with other colonists. She departs after class in search of the bird-like aliens who appear alongside a mysterious creature that seemingly resurrected the deceased one. Running home, she finds her sibling unconscious after an accident. Back on our solar system, a joint operation conducted between the UN, Luna and Mars swiftly takeover an unarmed Ceres Station that has been stripped completely by the fleeing Free Navy. They’re given the dilemma of having to help the station in order to use it as a staging point in the future fight to come. However, we soon learn the station had been booby-trapped but its fate has been left for us to learn later. Back to the Rocinante, Holden briefly rests and leaves Peaches on watch while requesting a distraught Naomi to go through the encrypted data retrieved in previous episode. Unfortunately, Marco Inaros’ flagship and two other ships are nearby and take the risky opportunity to take on the Rocinante. A tense fight occurs but Holden disables the killing blow after Bobby who took weapon controls became impatient in Marco’s refusal to surrender. The injured Free Navy fleet flee in a humiliating defeat that only Filip points out in front of Marco’s presence. An enrage Marco relieves Filip from duty as Marco retreats to his quarters as he receives a message. An experimental ship emerges from the ring as a Belter engineer reports of promising results to Marco’s joyous surprise. ‘Force Projection’ is a good-pace episode with several pauses between action and pushing the story forward. The Free Navy nearly met its demise as an overzealous Marco decided to risk it all to take on the Rocinante. Yet, Holden manages to be the better man and allow the fight to continue for another time. However as seen near the end, Holden might end up regretting that decision. This season is scheduled to have six episodes as we’re on the half-way mark. This episode is worth a watch!

It earns a 3 out of 5.


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